
Friday, March 30, 2012

Opening Day

The Fish Wife
by Leo

Tomorrow is opening day of Trout Season.  This is a big event for all the men and boys in our family.  It's a special day for me too.  I have turned it into my own private ritual, a celebration to honor myself and my creativity.  I do this, first of all, by basking in my solitude for a while, listening to my favorite music, usually Bob Dylan ...... with the volume jacked way up.  I won't tell you what I shout in my wonderful empty house before I get to work, some people are easily offended by certain words, and I don't want to lose any of my followers.  (That's a joke, by the way, the bit about my followers).  I'll give you a clue that only real Dylan fans will get.  It's what Bob shouted at his Royal Albert Hall concert when the audience was giving him a hard time about switching from acoustic to electric.   "Play it ------- loud!"  Then I get out my paints and I'm off, starting a new painting for my "Opening Day" series.

 Opening Day
by Leo

This was my first painting of the Opening Day series.  I'm far from being finished with it, especially since I've decided to make it interactive.  It's my kitchen door that leads into the basement. 

 1st panel
The Queen of Hearts from my Tarot deck is tacked to the sun.  She was missing from the deck for a long time, and one day, when I wasn't really looking for her, in fact, when I had given up hope of ever finding her,  she appeared, there she was, hiding from me under the refrigerator for about six months.  It was a joyous occasion.  After all,  the Queen of Hearts is my significator, it's an uneasy, unpleasant feeling to have one's significator missing.  She is the card all other cards in my reading revolve around.   I bought the deck in Florence, Italy. It's not really a tarot deck, but I use it as one.  Each card in this particular deck is a famous Italian masterpiece. So, when I finally found La Donna Velata, I tacked her to the sun for safe keeping.  Yes, I know.  I should clean under the refrigerator more often.

Raphael's The Woman with a Veil 
(La Velata or La Donna Velata) - 1516 
Medici Collection of the Palatine Gallery, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy.

2nd panel

3rd panel

4th & 5th panel

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